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Dermal & Lip Filler

Enhance your natural beauty and restore youthful volume with our precision-crafted dermal filler treatments, expertly administered for a rejuvenated and vibrant look.

What is Dermal Filler

Enhance your natural beauty with the transformative effects of lip fillers, which can elegantly add volume, effortlessly smooth away lip wrinkles, and harmoniously balance the symmetry between your upper and lower lips.

Furthermore, dermal fillers offer a comprehensive solution to combat the telltale signs of facial aging. They address concerns such as sagging skin due to volume loss, the appearance of skin wrinkles, and the refinement of jawline and chin contours. Additionally, these remarkable fillers have the power to gently erase creases, brighten the tear trough, effortlessly smooth wrinkles, and artfully restore lost volume in areas where fatty tissue has diminished.


How Long Do Fillers Last

At MESH, we exclusively use hyaluronic acid (HA) based dermal fillers. As a temporary filler,  results typically grace you with their presence for a duration of 9 to 12 months.

Lip Filler

Lip Fillers can help to restore volume loss in the lips, reduce the appearance of lip wrinkles or fine lines and help to create a better balance between the top and bottom lip. Lip filler treatment can be done using a half syringe (mini lip) for a very subtle look or a full syringe for more volume and better balancing. Lip filler treatments are here to give you that perfect pout you've always been looking for!

Lip Fillers Can Help

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Asymmetrical or uneven/ unbalanced lips

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Smoker's Lines

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Lips lacking volume

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Lip Wrinkles



Facial Dermal Filler

Injectable facial fillers are great options to improve certain signs of ageing, appear more rested, more rejuvenated and confident. Fillers provide more “real-time” results, typically not characterized by extensive swelling and prolonged recovery periods found in more invasive surgical procedures.

Dermal Fillers Can Help

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Restore volume loss in the cheeks, chin & temples

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Lessen the depth of nasolabial folds and smooth out laugh lines

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Contour jawline's and cheeks

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Restore volume loss and brighten the tear trough area

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Overall facial rejuvenation and balancing



Get In Touch

Contact Us

Servicing Paris, Brantford, Cambridge, Kitchener-Waterloo, Norfolk County, Woodstock, and surrounding areas

548-885-MESH (6374)



Flexible Hours Including Week Days, Evenings & Weekend Availability

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